• Life on a planet,

  • that offers a stable livelihood,

  • with an enchanting nature

  • and a lot of freedoms,

  • with broad horizons -

  • for determined -

  • and dreamers -

  • on which all are welcome!

Copyright 2024 - Rainer Ottenweller




This article mainly consists of links to video contributions about the CULT. For further understanding of the following articles I think the background information of these videos is important. I would like to point out that this information does not necessarily reflect my opinion. You rarely hear about it in the mainstream media, so I want to present this information here so that everyone can make up their own mind about it.


These videos cover a lot of historical material as well as current situations and circumstances. If it is describing current situations, I would like you to look into your present life past and see if you have any first-hand observations that confirm or refute this information. First-hand observations are observations that you have made with your own eyes and ears.


My second request is for those who believe or know that they are an immortal spiritual being. Before watching these videos, ask yourself the following questions and snap your fingers at each one. Accept the answer that immediately comes to mind without modification. Now if you're ready for the two questions, then we're ready to go.


  1. How long have I been on this planet? - finger snapping


Take the answer and get a good idea of that time span.


For the second question, take a map of the world and look at it for a while.



  1. In which regions did I stay during this period? - finger snapping


Get an idea of the areas you know from earlier times and make a list of it.


It is certainly impossible for a single spiritual being who has been on this planet for any length of time to have been involved in all of the times and locations mentioned in these videos. But if that person has some idea of when they've been where, then they might be able to remember some of that too. Therefore, it would certainly be very exciting to receive reports from those who have been there in their current life or at a previous time and can remember, regardless of whether these reports support or contradict the contents of these videos.


For this purpose I set up this Telegram channel. The channel is private and not openly accessible on Telegram, only reserved for people who subscribe using this link. This feedback is not about second-hand conflicting school opinions, but about people who have their own first-hand experience of it, whether they just have a vague idea or can totally recall those times.




- and only together we get a complete picture!


So check it out and report back if it resonates in you.


Note: If you don't have a Telegram, you will find a link at the end with which you can download all the video series as one compressed file.


10 Episodes 'Fall of the Cabal' and by Janet Ossebaard and Syntha Koeter


on Telegram: & as download:



Part 1 'The end of the world as we know it'



Part 2 'Down the rabbit hole...'



Part 3 'The Invasion of the Strangers'



Part 4 'Pedophiles Everywhere'



Part 5 'Kids, Art and Pizza'





Part 6 'Big Media Manipulation'



Part 7 'Wizards and Warlocks'



Part 8 'Beyond Kings and Queens'



Part 9 'The beginning of a new world'




Part 10 'The Return of the King'


You should have seen it!

Thanks to all contributors


You are welcome to upload it anywhere where it is not immediately censored!


In other languages:

🇺🇸: https://t.me/QlobalChangeUSA/12869

🇩🇪: https://t.me/QlobalChange/12182

🇮🇹: https://t.me/QlobalChangeItalia/4645

🇪🇸: https://t.me/QlobalChangeEspana/162

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